tm Ballroom Dance Studio

Why Wait To Start Dancing!

We can create a program to meet your needs and desires.


For information about the dance studio lessons and pricing, select from the options listed below.







Private Lessons

Join your Instructor for a dance lesson focusing on the dances that you, and you and a partner, would like to learn. Learn at your own pace. Your Instructor will focus on your specific needs and wants. A Private Lesson guarantees optimal individual attention from an instructor. However, you are NOT guaranteed a private room.

Group Classes and Series Groups

A group of students learn a specific dance from the Instructors at TM BALLROOM DANCE. A great way to learn new patterns and add styling to your dancing! Group class schedules are shown on the Calendar Page. Series Group classes are conducted for 4 consecutive weeks starting in October 2012.

Practice Parties

After a group class, we turn on the party lights! We play a variety of music so you can practice the moves you have learned in your private lessons and in the group class. It is time for you to practice with other students and the with TM BALLROOM DANCE Instructors.

Coaching Lessons

A Professional, Nationally Recognized Ballroom Dance Consultant is periodically brought into the studio for private lessons and workshops!


Introductory Offer
Two 30 Minute Private Lessons
One Group Class
One Party
ONLY $35
The best way to get started with lessons at TM BALLROOM DANCE studio is to take advantage of our Introductory Offer.
This will give you a chance to come to the studio and try out different dances or get started on a specific dance. You and your teacher will set goals and set up a customized plan to help you achieve your goals in a timely and cost effective way!
Private Lessons
Pay as you go
No contract or long term obligation
No High Pressure Sales!
Discounts for lesson packages
Price includes admission to Parties
Best pricing and value on the West Side!
Pricing for private lessons will be discussed with your teacher.
Group Lessons
$8 per person
After class party included
$70 for a 10 class punch card
(11th class free - $88 value)
You do not have to be a Private Lesson student to attend the groups and parties.
Group lessons are open to the public. Call ahead or drop-in!
Practice Parties
$5 per person
Free for those actively taking lessons
Free for Group Lesson participants
Admission to the parties is included in the price of a Group Lesson. Only one party per purchased group lesson.
4 Week Series Group Lessons
$40 per person per 4 session series
$70 per person for two series
By focusing on the same dance 4 weeks in a row you'll have the time to focus on areas of each dance that will make you feel more competent, confident and knowledgeable.


Select from the accordian panels below for information about the dances taught at TM BALLROOM DANCE. Hover over specific dances to see more information about that dance style.

General Categories Of Dance Lessons

Ballroom Dancing
Partner Dancing
Social Dancing
Wedding Dances
Private Lessons
Group Lessons

Smooth & Standard Dances
  • Waltz
  • Tango
  • Foxtrot
  • Viennese Waltz
  • Quickstep
Rhythm & Latin Dances
  • Cha Cha
  • Rumba
  • Swing
  • Bolero
  • Mambo
  • Samba
Specialty Dances
  • Salsa
  • Merengue
  • Hustle
  • West Coast Swing
  • Nite-Club Two Step
  • Argentine Tango
  • Country Western


Wedding Dance Preparation / Choreography

Not only will you look relaxed and comfortable for your first dance, you will have fun learning how to do it!

Professional Dance Shows by Instructors

Need to spice up your event? TM BALLROOM DANCE Instructors will arrive with fully choreographed performance routines for you and your guests.

Special Events with Instructors Provided

TM BALLROOM DANCE Instructors will get any party moving with beginning to advanced group classes.

Specialty Group Lessons

TM BALLROOM DANCE offers Specialty Group Lessons on varying schedules throughout the month. See the Calendar Page for any currently scheduled Specialty Group Lessons.

Local - National Ballroom Dance Competitions

TM BALLROOM DANCE participates in various metro-Denver dance competitions. Instructors will support students in their preparation for these events and will accompany any single student dancers. See the Calendar Page for any currently planned competitions.


TM BALLROOM DANCE is always looking for fitness class instructors interested in renting studio space for ZUMBA, Yoga, Dance Cardio, etc.

Please contact Todd Munson at 303-918-3755 or email for more information.

Tami Kiekhaefer of Let It Go YOGA is teaching every Wednesday and Friday from 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM. Classes will be $8 per class, or you can purchase a punch card of 10 classes for $65. Bring a guest and you both pay $4 for that class!